Apr 12, 2012


Can you live life but with much care?
Can you but criticize what you can’t bear?
Can you live as happy as birds on boughs? 
Can you lead a life as naive as cows? 
In a world full of trouble and plight, 
Can you surrender or will you fight?
Can you surrender? or will you fight,
Evil and vice for the sake of right?
When gluttony and hatred our hearts dwell, 
What can we do to break such a spell?
When all around is so absurd,
Object!? You’ll wish you’ve never murmured.
Object!? You’ll wish you’ve never murmured,
If you don’t agree with the absurd,
Agree with Lucifer, whatever he says,
And play the tune he himself plays,
So that you’d be so wise a man,
Who against wrong-doing did all he can.
Oh! No, God, I will never give up,
Nor my strife against wrong-doing shall I stop,
I’ll fight and fight, till the very end,
Till these beliefs the world shall comprehend,
Till virtue and justice shall at last prevail, 
Till evil can no longer hide behind his veil. 
Never give up, nor think of maybe or might,
But of the darkness overcome by light,
With this concept we will victorious be,
United, no one can conquer you and me.


  1. Impressive words!!!
    We really need to be optimistic, searching for virtue and striving against evil. And never give up no matter what are the consequences. Isn't that a philosophy of life? It's a tough mission to apply in daily life issues, but with faith, strong will and consistent attitude, we can practically approach our philosophy.

    1. This world can become a better place when people who share the same thoughts and support virtue against vice work hand in hand for the common cause. It is too bad that these days values are twisted and good and evil, virtue and vice are debatable issues. But as more people have a clear vision and more determination to achieve righteous and noble goals, things will improve much faster.

  2. it is very interesting and meaningful poem because it shows us how we must deal with life to succeed and survive. i hope to have the power to fight and fight without given up or surrender until i over come all the obstacles that may face me and finally reach what i was fighting for.

  3. yes it's really important to live in a world were all cares about each other, life can't be lived alone, through caring and sharing, the taste will be more delicious:)

  4. It is a very nice poem that has good meaning about life that shows the concepts of life and how to deal in it and shows of the life
