Apr 1, 2012

Happy April Fool's Day

On April fool's Day, this is a short narrative by Gibran Kahlil Gibran that came to my mind and decided to share:

"Upon a day Beauty and Ugliness met on the shore of a sea. And they said to one another, “Let us bathe in the sea.”
Then they disrobed and swam in the waters. And after a while Ugliness came back to shore and garmented himself with the garments of Beauty and walked away.
And Beauty too came out of the sea, and found not her raiment, and she was too shy to be naked, therefore she dressed herself with the raiment of Ugliness. And Beauty walked her way.
And to this very day men and women mistake the one for the other.
Yet some there are who have beheld the face of Beauty, and they know her notwithstanding her garments. And some there be who know the face of Ugliness, and the cloth conceals him not from their eyes."

Is it really this hard to recognize real beauty?
Is it really this easy for ugliness to hide itself from us?

Are we really aware of the real criteria of ugliness and beauty?

Real beauty is beauty that comes from the inside.
Real beauty is surely not the beauty of the face or the outer appearance.
Real beauty is the beauty of the spirit.
Real beauty is the beauty of the thoughts.
Real beauty is the is the beauty of manners.
Real beauty is the beauty of ethics and morals.

That is why we can not recognize real beauty quickly and easily.
That is why we are often deceived by the concealed ugliness.
That is why we sometimes seem blind, though we have healthy eyes and deaf though we have healthy ears. Because there are things that neither the eyes nor the ears can perceive; their perception needs a strong insight and a capable mind.

On April fool's day, which is tomorrow, today, yesterday and every day, I really hope that everyone of us searches and finds the real beauty within himself and the real beauty in others, bringing back the garment of beauty to beauty and assisting this beauty to shine into the ugly darkness of the night turning it into light.

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