Mar 13, 2012

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

A human being is a mixture of many components, two of the important components of human beings are the mental or intellectual and emotional aspects. 
The mental or intellectual intelligence means the ability of the person to understand and comprehend to analyse and evaluate various kinds of scientific, or literary material.
As for the emotional intelligence, it means the ability of the person to have the suitable feeling in a certain situation, like, sympathy and compassion. 
A human must be raised up by giving enough attention to both aspects. 
1. If a person has more intellectual intelligence than emotional one, he may use his mental ability to hurt other people, or at least, he may not be willing to share his knowledge with other people or be ready to assist them in time of need.
2. If a person has more emotional intelligence that intellectual one, he may have the enthusiasm to help other people and assist them, but he may not have the knowledge to do so; so, he, too, may hurt the people he's trying to help, without intending to.
3. But if a person has the proper combination of both, he has the readiness to help and assist other and understand their pains, worries, concerns and plights and he has the intellectual potential to assist and help them in the suitable way, thus, the consequences of his behavior are good and positive.
It is easier to train a student's intellectual abilities than emotional ones, but, the latter can be done through giving examples and stories that show how wonderful it is to be compassionate and loving and how terrible it is to be apathetic and hateful. Teacher's may also encourage any compassionate behavior that the student does and with time, a child grows up having more emotional intelligence and the seed of compassion grows up inside him giving a tree with widespread branches.
We must bring up our students and promote both, their intellectual and emotional intelligence so that they become distinguished students who can play a very positive and important role in their society and towards every member of this society.

watch this youtube video to  understand emotional intelligence better.

I was really looking forward to attending a webinar about Emotional Intelligence titled "EQ Assessment in Schools", it was on march 22 but I couldn't attend it because my connection was slow.
A short while afterwards, I received an e-mail having some slides selected from the webinar, I would like to share some of them:

1 comment:

  1. your post is very clear explanation of "Emotional Intelligence".
