Mar 25, 2012

Beauty and the Beast

When one reads the title of this post, the first thing that may come to his mind is the very well known fairy tale of the enchanted prince who was transformed into an ugly and horrible beast by a wicked witch and the lovely, beautiful girl who decided to make a great sacrifice and live with the beast just to save her father. 

...But this post has nothing to do with this fairy tale nor this beauty nor this beast.  

This is beauty, natural beauty that may astound the eyes of the viewer so much that he feels the urge to keep looking without quenching the thirst of his soul no matter how much it gulps from its magnificence.
Beauty- Karaoun lake- A marvelous view- 25/3/2012- 04:00 p.m.

The Beast
This is the beast, the dreadful beast of pollution, the murderous servant of ignorance and the treacherous vampire of beauty. A beast that is so envious that he was so determined to distort this beauty  and deform its magnificence. A beast that has a great beauty-thirst that he sucks and sucks beauty right out of nature.
The Beast- Karaoun Lake- A dreadful view- 25/3/2012- 04:01 p.m.

Breaking the Spell

How long should we wait before we try to break the spell and liberate the beauty of our nature from the poisonous fangs of the beast? 

When will we decide to kill the monster within us that is so determined to rob us of a very precious gift that GOD has blessed us with?

When will we be ready to sacrifice a bit of our individual
selfishness for the sake of our social well-being?

When will crimes against the environment be punished with the same severity as the crimes against humanity especially that such a crime is a kind of  mass-murder?

When will Environmental education be an essential part of the curriculum, classified as survival education?

When will we manage to change this savage, murderous beast into a friendly, helpful prince?

We are not just dreaming of the impossible, all of this can be done through determination, hard work, love, readiness to sacrifice and wisdom.


  1. Really it is very meaningful to describe the above as "Beauty and the Beast"... unfortunately, it is like that.
    It is a nice suggestion though to introduce the environmental education since our nature has been ignored so long.
    Also I see that the problem is within us; adults. Children cannot be blamed on what they do here,they aren't used to see their parents or people they know respecting the nature so how shall they do it by themselves?! Anyways,We all should work to bring the "beauty" back again and hopefully we will because as u said nothing is impossible.
    Thank you for this post

  2. Perfect! I loved thy way in discussing this issue. I would like to add that we don't have to forget that this nature is not ours only, yes, we inherited it from our ancestors but not our property, many generations will pass by it and enjoy its beauty so watch out your actions people and give it a look :)

  3. Nature is God' gift to us and preserving it is not a choice, it's a duty. Ignoarnce and carelessness are the enemies of nature. I think people behave this way becuase they take nature as for granted. I think many are not even able to realize that we might lose this beautiful nature if we continue abusing it this way. Beauty can be saved from the beast by more awareness at the different educational and social levels.

  4. It is surprising how strong the influence man has over nature. Man had the power to destroy something so nice, and convert it into something so "beasty"...
    It is the duty of everyone of us to work towards improving nature. And each one of us should start with themselves. and not say" shou we2fet 3layye?!"... It is important to educate ourselves before we educate the children, because in the end, children will copy our behaviors...

  5. It is very nice to sit with yourself and imagine and go beyond especially in front of such nice pictures. Every person should sit with himself to see the beauty of good things and correct the bad things.

  6. i like the story and the topic attracts me and its really the truth that our environment is invaded by a major disease the pollution. Lebanon is the our touristic country we should protect it
